Tagged humans

  • Banal binaries: How power plays into how we communicate

    Requests v. demands, indirect vs. direct language, and responding and ignoring are all ways we communicate our power in daily interactions, even if subconsciously and quietly

  • On morality, hero worship, and why judgment isn't helpful

    We're quick to judge everyone by our own moral compass. Our north star is just that: ours.

  • Compassionate action over empathy

    Empathy gets thrown around a lot as the solution to the world's problems. I think we need to examine what empathy really is. (It's not what you think.)

  • Beware of Burnout: Sustainable strategies for activism

    Activism is not a sprint to a finish; there is no finish, but rather a life-long marathon commitment to showing up every single day. Like running, it requires training and a strategy

  • White Guyde To The Galaxy

    Black folks are protesting for their survival, and you're a white dude who isn't sure how to help. What now? I've written you a guide.

  • Save the Tears: White Woman's Guide

    Black folks are protesting for their survival, and you're a white woman who isn't sure how to help. What now? I've written you a guide.